Articles File Name Over 20 years experience Nuvola aligners... The difference is clear! Why choose Nuvola aligners from GEO? The FT 1000: the complete list of Europe’s fastest-growing companies. Movement of anterior teeth using clear aligners: a three-dimensional, retrospective evaluation. Nuvola 3D – a big motivation for your patient. V.6. Nuvola 3D – a big motivation for your patient. Trauma-free aesthetic solution. Alignig the lower arch without extractions. THE ITALIANS ALIGN THEMSELVES WITH THE UK. Getting straight to the point. In continua crescita i trattamenti ortodontici con dispositivi estetici. Nuvola clear aligners: an invisible orthodontic treatment. Deepbite management with clear aligners. A system with a difference. Want to learn aboutclear aligners? Article on Millionaire July-August 2016. Multidisciplinary approach using Nuvola aligners. Adult orthodontics with clear aligners. Creating new opportunities with clear aligners. Ortodonzia invisibile Nuvola.