Collection and delivery of devices
GEO will provide a DHL service collection of impressions and delivery of Nuvola aligners to and from your clinic.
Dentists have access to a NuvolaWEB case management account to upload patients' details and monitor progression of each case.
Fully compliant medical devices

All our devices comply with the rules and guidelines that ensure patient health and safety (MDD 93/42 CEE). The legislation is handled by
GEO and guaranteed by external certified auditors.
GEO UK European Orthodontic Ltd is a registered manufacturer of Custom-made devices with the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority.
Insured medical devices

All medical devices manufactured by
GEO are certified and have third party liability insurance
GEO offers a paid-for diagnostic service delivered by a fully qualified orthodontist. The service provides Cephalometric Analysis ,Analysis of Space and Treatment Plan with a suggested Removable Device (if needed), suitable for interceptive or functional treatments.
Any fixed appliances can be mounted on jig for indirect bonding and made in any technique:
- Edgewise standard,
- Ricketts,
- Bidimentional technique,
- Roth, MBT.
The service will included (only for technical Roth and MBT) the arches and the auxiliaries necessary for the treatment. Always under the constant assistance (telephone or online) of a fully qualified orthodontist. Records needed when requesting Cephalometric Analysis, Analysis of Space and Definition of Treatment Plan are as follows:
- History and clinical patient data
- Teleradiography in lateral skull
- Orthopantomography
- Rx of the hand (if any)
- Teleradiography in poster-anterior (if any)
- Impressions in alginate or plaster models
- Photo of the mouth in front, profile left and right (if any)
- Photo of the face front and the profile (if any)
• For more information, please
contact GEO by phone or by
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